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Pesca SOS: objectives

The first objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the different artisanal fishing gears on the marine resources of the marine reserve of Cap de Creus and Gulf of Roses, involving the fishermen, making them aware of the problem, so that they can play a key role in the conservation and recovery of the fish stocks they target.

Furthermore, based on data collected from 2008 to 2017 and between 2021 and 2022, the aim is to analyze the temporal evolution of the main species of fishery interest in the area, particularly the vulnerable and/or threatened species. In order to do so, the fishing yield (catch per unit effort, CPUE) is analyzed.

The project will provide the results and recommendations to the Committee of the Co-Management of the artisanal fisheries of Cap de Creus in order to contribute to adopt measures and co-management criteria for the protection and improvement of the exploited marine resources. The results will also be used for the management plan of the maritime activities of the Natural Park of Cap de Creus (PRUG).

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