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About the web in general:


About the contents:

  • The website does not contain complete information on the topics covered and therefore cannot replace a direct medical care service or full scientific advice. The information presented on this website is not intended to replace the necessary medical advice or the need for professional medical treatment for a specific disease.
  • The website should not be used for the purpose of establishing any diagnosis or medical treatment in particular cases.
  • You should always consult a doctor if you have any doubt before starting a treatment with medicines, supplements, diet or physical exercise.
  • Although this website ensures that all the information collected is scientifically reliable and of quality, for some benefits or health risks described, the exact mechanism of cause and effect has not been established, but a relationship has simply been observed ( positive or negative) between factor and health.
  • The information provided on this website is not intended to replace the advice or treatment of medical professionals, nor to substitute relations between users and their doctors or pharmacists.
  • The website does not assume any liability arising from the use of this website or the contents (links) of others (videos, documents, websites, etc.) that accompany this website. The use of this website and its links is made under the responsibility of the users.
  • The website contains links to other administrations, organizations and foundations, both private and governmental. It must be taken into account that when you access these links, you are subject to the privacy policy of these websites.

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