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Pesca SOS

Sustainble artisanal fishing in Cap de Creus

This Project has been carried out thanks to funding from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. The study has been coordinated by the SeaHealth research group of the Institute of Aquatic Ecology (IEA) of the University of Girona (UdG) with the collaboration of the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE) of the University of Girona, and the Oceans and Human Health Chair.

University of Girona

Ph.D. Josep Lloret (principal investigador )


Ventura Campillo
Geographical Information Systems Analyst


Laia Arbossé 


Dra. Irene Alvarez de Quevedo
Marine biologist




Participating fishermen

Salvador Manera
(Coordinator of fishermen)


Joaquim Puigvert
Jordi Puigvert
Guillermo Cornejo
Manel Ferrer
Moisés Tibau
Toni Solà
Pau Rosell
Lluís Martínez
Joan Piris
Joaquim Fonolleras
José Gonzalez
Carlos Miralles






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